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Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?

Posted on Friday, Apr. 26th 2024 10:00 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental News, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews Comments Off on Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?

Question: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed? I need clarification on the concept of having your wisdom teeth removed. Do you always have to have them removed? I just started having my bottom wisdom teeth come out, but they seem fine. They do not hurt me and, as far as I can tell, are coming out straight.

So why remove them just because? My dentist said they can start to cause problems, but if they are not causing problems now, why take them out? As you can see, I do not want to have any extractions. One is because of the cost, and two is because I only see the point if they are necessary. Lastly, there is a pain issue after having wisdom teeth removed.

Reply: Many people wonder if they must always have their wisdom teeth removed. As someone who has just started experiencing the emergence of their bottom wisdom teeth, you may also be curious about this. It’s essential to understand that wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth can become impacted, meaning they grow at an angle, pushing against other teeth and causing pain and discomfort. Sometimes, they can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and even cysts. 

You’ve noticed that your wisdom teeth are coming out straight and aren’t causing pain or discomfort. So, why should you remove them? Your dentist has mentioned that they may cause problems, but why bother with extraction if they’re not causing any issues now? Not all wisdom teeth require extraction, and it is essential to note this. However, discussing this with your dentist and getting their professional opinion is best. They may suggest removing your wisdom teeth as a preventative measure to avoid future problems or leaving them if they aren’t causing any issues. 

You’re hesitant about undergoing the procedure, primarily due to the cost and the fact that you don’t see the point of getting it done unless necessary. It’s understandable to be concerned about the price, but keep in mind that leaving impacted wisdom teeth untreated can lead to more expensive and painful dental problems down the line. Ultimately, the decision to remove your wisdom teeth is yours, but it’s essential to consider your dentist’s advice and the procedure’s potential long-term benefits.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth: When to Extract and When to Keep Them

Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of confusion among dental patients. They are often a point of concern due to their potential to cause pain and discomfort, but many people are unsure whether or not they need to have them extracted. Here are some points that can help break down why you may need to pull a wisdom tooth and when you may not have to do so:

Reasons for extraction:

  •  Impacted wisdom teeth that are growing at an angle, pushing against other teeth and causing pain and discomfort
  • Wisdom teeth that are causing gum disease, tooth decay, or cysts: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can cause gum disease, tooth decay, or cysts when they don’t have enough room to grow correctly. When wisdom teeth don’t fully emerge from the gums, they can create pockets where bacteria can grow, leading to gum inflammation and infection. Additionally, wisdom teeth can push against neighboring teeth, causing crowding and making it harder to clean teeth properly, leading to tooth decay. In some cases, wisdom teeth can also form cysts. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can damage the surrounding bone and teeth. It is essential to monitor the growth of wisdom teeth and consult a dentist if any issues arise.
  •  Crowding, misalignment, or other orthodontic issues: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can cause crowding, misalignment, or other orthodontic problems because they often don’t have enough room to emerge correctly in the mouth. Crowding can cause wisdom teeth to become impacted, meaning they cannot fully emerge from the gum line. When this happens, they can push against other teeth, causing them to shift out of alignment and creating crowding in the mouth. In some cases, wisdom teeth can also cause damage to adjacent teeth or lead to infection and inflammation in the gums. For this reason, many dentists recommend having wisdom teeth removed to prevent these issues from occurring.

Reasons for not extracting:

  • Wisdom teeth that come in straight and do not cause pain or discomfort
  •  Wisdom teeth that are fully functional and can be adequately cleaned
  • Wisdom teeth that do not pose any risk to the patient’s dental health

Generally, it is best to consult a dentist to determine whether or not wisdom teeth should be extracted. A dentist can assess the patient’s overall dental health, the position of the wisdom teeth, and the potential risks associated with leaving them in place. It is essential to consider the dentist’s professional opinion while deciding what will be best for your long-term dental health.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure, Recovery, and Aftercare

Wisdom teeth removal is a standard dental procedure that many people undergo. This procedure is usually recommended by a dentist or oral surgeon when the wisdom teeth do not have enough space in the mouth to grow properly. It may cause problems like pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. The wisdom teeth removal process involves several steps, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. This article will discuss each step in detail to help you understand what to expect during the procedure and how to take care of yourself afterward.

The process of wisdom teeth removal usually involves the following steps:

1. Consultation: The first step is to consult with a dentist or oral surgeon to determine whether you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. During your consultation, the dental professional may conduct a physical examination and take X-rays to evaluate the position of your teeth and assess any potential complications. This thorough evaluation will help the dental professional determine the best course of action for you, whether removing your wisdom teeth or pursuing alternative treatments. It’s always important to seek the advice of a professional to ensure the best outcome for your dental health. 

2. Anesthesia: Anesthesia is essential to the wisdom teeth removal procedure. Before the procedure begins, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. The anesthetic will help ensure you don’t feel any pain during extraction. Sometimes, you may also receive a sedative to help you relax during the procedure. 

The type of anesthesia used depends on your specific situation and the dentist’s recommendation. Local anesthesia is the most common type used for wisdom teeth removal. It is a numbing agent injected into the gum tissue around the tooth, numbing the area. Sometimes, the dentist may use general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep during the procedure. General anesthesia is for more complex extractions or if the patient has a high level of anxiety about the procedure.

Sedation is also an option for patients who are anxious or nervous about the procedure. There are different levels of sedation, including minimal sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation. Minimal sedation involves the use of nitrous oxide, which is also known as laughing gas. This type of sedation helps the patient to relax and feel more comfortable during the procedure. Moderate sedation, also known as conscious sedation, involves a medication that is given through an IV. This type of sedation puts the patient in a semi-conscious state, but they can still respond to commands. Deep sedation is the highest level of sedation and involves placing the patient to sleep during the procedure.

Discussing your anesthesia options with your dentist before the procedure is essential to determining the best method for you. Your dentist will consider your medical history, anxiety level, and the complexity of the extraction when making a recommendation. With the proper anesthesia, you can ensure a pain-free and comfortable wisdom teeth removal experience. 

3. Extraction:  Extraction of wisdom teeth typically involves a surgical procedure. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth. They may also need to remove any bone blocking the tooth or cut the tooth into smaller pieces to facilitate its removal. 

Once the tooth is accessible, the dentist will use forceps to loosen it from the socket and remove it. This process can sometimes be uncomfortable, but the anesthesia should help minimize any pain or discomfort. 

After removing the tooth, the dentist cleans the area and places gauze over the socket to control bleeding. They may also stitch the gum tissue to promote healing.

4. Sutures: After removing the tooth, the dentist or oral surgeon may need to place stitches to close the wound. These stitches will dissolve over time.

5. Recovery: After the procedure, it is common to experience some swelling, discomfort, and bleeding. The dentist or oral surgeon will provide instructions for managing these symptoms, such as applying ice packs, taking pain medication, and avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw.

It is also essential to keep the extraction site clean to prevent infection. The dentist or oral surgeon will provide instructions on how to do this, such as rinsing with salt water or using special mouthwash.

Most people can resume normal activities within a few days of the procedure, but the area may take several weeks to heal fully.

6. Aftercare:  Following the dentist or oral surgeon’s aftercare instructions is essential to ensure proper healing and prevent complications. The aftercare instructions may include:

  • Taking any prescribed medications as directed
  • Eating soft foods and avoiding crunchy or hard foods for a few days
  • Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Rinsing the mouth with salt water or using a special mouthwash
  • Brushing and flossing gently around the extraction site
  • Attending follow-up appointments with the dentist or oral surgeon to monitor healing progress and remove stitches.

It’s important to closely follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extractions without Dental Insurance

The cost of wisdom teeth extractions without dental insurance can vary depending on various factors, such as the location, the complexity of the procedure, and the dentist’s experience. The average cost can range from $225 to $800 per tooth. However, some dentists may charge more or less than the average cost. It’s best to consult a dentist in your area for a precise cost estimate based on your case. 

There are a few ways to make wisdom teeth extractions more affordable if you don’t have dental insurance. One option is to shop around and compare prices at different dental clinics to find the most affordable option. Some clinics may offer payment plans or discounts for patients paying out of pocket. Another option is to look into dental schools or clinics associated with dental schools, where students may perform the extraction under the supervision of licensed professionals at a lower cost. You could also consider applying for a dental credit card or financing to spread out the cost of the extraction over a more extended period.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extractions without Dental Insurance

The average savings of having wisdom teeth extraction with dental insurance can be up to 50% or more. However, it is essential to check with your dental insurance provider to see your specific coverage and if there are any out-of-pocket expenses.

Having dental insurance can help cover the cost of wisdom teeth extractions, which can be expensive without coverage. Without insurance, patients are responsible for the total cost of the procedure, which can range from several hundred dollars per tooth, depending on the complexity of the extraction.

Additionally, dental insurance can help cover other dental services necessary before or after wisdom teeth extractions, such as X-rays, consultations, and follow-up appointments. Insurance can help patients avoid unexpected costs and ensure they receive the care they need for their dental health.

It’s essential to review the details of any dental insurance policy before undergoing wisdom teeth extractions to understand what services are covered, any deductibles or copays, and any restrictions or limitations. Patients should also consult with their dentist to determine the best course of action for their dental health and any potential complications or risks of the procedure.

Having dental insurance before undergoing wisdom teeth extractions helps patients save money and ensure they receive the necessary care for their dental health. It’s essential to review the details of any insurance policy and consult with a dentist to determine the best course of action for your dental needs.

Understanding the Importance of Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Risks and Benefits Explained

In closing, it is essential to understand that wisdom teeth can cause dental problems if left untreated. While not all wisdom teeth require extraction, it is crucial to consult your dentist to understand the potential risks of keeping your wisdom teeth. If you experience pain or discomfort in your wisdom teeth, it is best to seek professional advice to determine whether extraction is necessary. Remember that the decision to remove your wisdom teeth ultimately lies with you, but it is essential to consider the potential long-term benefits and risks. By being proactive and discussing your options with your dentist, you can make an informed decision that will help you maintain good dental health. – Your Comprehensive Resource for Dental Insurance Plans and Procedures is a comprehensive resource for consumers seeking information and reviews on dental plans and procedures. The site provides consumer opinions for dental insurance plans, dental plan procedures, dentists, and the various dental plans sold on the internet, including dental discount plans, reduced dental fee for service, PPO dental insurance plans, DHMO, and dental insurance indemnity products for individual and family dental plans. 

One of the standout features of is the free dental insurance quotes available to consumers. These quotes can be obtained by calling the office at 310-534-3444, where a representative can provide a quote over the phone and help individuals select the best dental insurance plan for their needs. With a wide range of dental insurance plan types, individuals can compare plans and choose the one that works best for them.

In addition to providing free dental insurance quotes, offers a wealth of information and resources on dental care and insurance. The site focuses on affordability and accessibility, which may be helpful for those seeking cost-effective dental options. Whether someone is looking for information on a specific procedure or wants to read consumer reviews on a dental insurance plan, there is something for everyone on also prides itself on providing excellent customer service. Its office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. M—F, and representatives are available to answer any questions and help individuals navigate the often-confusing world of dental insurance. By offering valuable resources, personalized support, and a wide range of dental insurance plan options, is an excellent resource for anyone seeking affordable and accessible dental care.

Posted on Friday, Apr. 26th 2024 10:00 AM | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental News, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews | Comments Off on Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?


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