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Dental Insurance: Making Dental Care Affordable and Accessible

Posted on Aug. 13th 2024 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews, Dentists, General News Comments Off on Dental Insurance: Making Dental Care Affordable and Accessible

Welcome to, your trusted source for valuable insights and information on all things related to oral health and dental care. Our mission is to provide comprehensive guidance to help you make informed decisions about maintaining your oral health, navigating dental insurance options, and accessing essential dental services. Whether you’re seeking expert opinions, practical tips, or the latest updates in the field of dentistry, is your go-to resource for empowering yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to prioritize your dental well-being.

A recent report by CareQuest Institute for Oral Health® shed light on the concern about the lack of dental insurance coverage among adults in the United States. According to their latest findings from the third annual State of Oral Health Equity in America (SOHEA) survey, an estimated 68.5 million adults in the US are currently without dental insurance. The number is expected to reach 91.4 million by the end of 2023, which is even more alarming. This increase is due to a combination of factors, including the potential loss of coverage for additional household members and the ongoing Medicaid redetermination process.

The report highlights the pressing need to address the disparities in oral healthcare access nationwide. It underscores the urgent need for initiatives and policies to bridge the gaps in dental insurance coverage and ensure more individuals have access to essential oral health services. This data is a stark reminder of the existing inequities in oral health care and the critical need for comprehensive solutions to rectify this issue.

Addressing the Critical Need for Expanded Dental Insurance Coverage in the United States

The lack of dental insurance coverage can significantly affect an individual’s ability to access and afford essential dental care. Without adequate insurance, many people are inclined to visit the dentist less frequently and may even defer necessary dental treatments due to cost concerns.

When individuals do not have dental insurance, the financial burden of dental care falls squarely on their shoulders. As a result, they may perceive routine dental check-ups and treatments as unaffordable luxuries rather than essential aspects of their overall health and well-being. Lack of dental insurance often leads to a cycle of neglecting oral health, which can ultimately result in more severe and costly dental issues down the line.

Moreover, the absence of insurance coverage can deter individuals from seeking preventive care, such as regular cleanings and check-ups, which are crucial for maintaining good oral health and addressing potential issues before they escalate, which can lead to more serious dental conditions. More extensive dental care needs could have been prevented or mitigated through timely and consistent preventive dental care.

It’s essential to recognize that dental health is an integral part of overall health, and neglecting dental care due to lack of insurance can have far-reaching consequences. We must advocate for policies and programs that aim to expand access to affordable dental insurance and promote public awareness about the importance of regular dental care. By addressing the barriers to dental insurance coverage, we can empower individuals to prioritize and maintain their oral health, improving overall well-being and reducing long-term healthcare costs.

Empower Your Oral Health: The Benefits of HMO Dental Insurance Plans

Cost is a significant consideration, and an HMO insurance plan could be viable option. HMO plans typically cost around $20.00 per month for an individual and $45.00 for a family of three or more. One of the significant advantages of HMO plans is that they often provide free preventive care, including basic cleanings, office visits, and bitewing X-rays. By emphasizing preventive care, HMO plans can help individuals avoid the need for more expensive dental services in the future.

When cost is a concern, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits of consistent, affordable coverage against potential future expenses. Individuals and families can access essential preventive dental care without incurring significant out-of-pocket costs by opting for an HMO plan. This proactive approach to oral health not only saves money in the long run but also promotes overall well-being by preventing the development of more serious dental issues.

In addition to the financial advantages, HMO plans offer a network of dental professionals, ensuring that individuals receive care from qualified providers. This network-based approach also streamlines scheduling appointments and accessing necessary treatments, fostering convenience and efficiency in managing oral health needs.

Individuals and families can prioritize preventive dental care by considering an HMO insurance plan without shouldering substantial financial burdens. Investing in regular dental check-ups and preventive treatments through an affordable HMO plan empowers individuals to take charge of their oral health, ultimately leading to improved well-being and reduced long-term healthcare costs.

The Importance of Dental Insurance Coverage: Addressing Disparities and Promoting Oral Health

Taking care of your dental health is crucial, even if you don’t have dental insurance. Neglecting your oral health can lead to many issues, from tooth decay and gum disease to more severe conditions that require costly and invasive treatments. You risk experiencing pain, discomfort, and potential long-term health problems without regular dental care.

Poor dental care can result in cavities, which can lead to tooth pain, sensitivity, and difficulty eating. Untreated cavities can progress to more severe infections, requiring root canals or tooth extraction. Additionally, neglecting oral hygiene can contribute to gum disease, which affects your teeth and gums and is linked to systemic health issues such as heart disease and diabetes.

If you lack dental insurance or struggle to afford dental care, there are still ways to prioritize your oral health. Many communities offer low-cost or free dental clinics that provide essential services such as cleanings, fillings, and extractions. These resources can help you maintain your dental health without breaking the bank.

Another option is to look for dental schools in your area. Dental schools often provide supervised treatment by students at a reduced cost, allowing individuals to access quality care at a more affordable price.

Some dentists also offer payment plans or sliding scale fees based on your income, making dental care more accessible to those without insurance. It’s essential to communicate with dental providers about your financial situation and explore all available options for affordable care.

Moreover, prioritizing preventive care at home is crucial. Brushing your teeth at least twice daily, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash can help prevent cavities and gum disease. A healthy diet low in sugary and acidic foods also contributes to maintaining good oral health.

Taking proactive steps to address your oral health, even without insurance, is essential for your overall well-being and can save you from more significant dental issues and expenses in the long run. You can maintain good oral health and avoid complications by exploring affordable care options and prioritizing preventive measures.

Understanding the Key Terms Used

In the post, several keywords highlight the importance of addressing disparities in oral healthcare access and expanding dental insurance coverage in the United States. Some key terms include:

1) CareQuest Institute for Oral Health: The CareQuest Institute for Oral Health is an organization focusing on improving oral health access and equity in the United States. They conduct research and publish reports to shed light on the state of oral health, including issues related to dental insurance coverage, disparities in access to oral healthcare, and the importance of preventive dental care. The institute also advocates for initiatives and policies to expand access to affordable dental insurance and promote public awareness about the significance of regular dental care.

2) Lack of Dental Insurance Coverage: Having a lack of dental insurance coverage means that individuals do not have an insurance plan specifically designed to help cover the costs associated with dental care. Not having dental insurance means paying for all dental treatments and services out of pocket, which can become a financial burden. Without dental insurance, individuals may be more inclined to forgo regular dental check-ups and necessary treatments due to the cost concerns, potentially impacting their oral health in the long run.

3) State of Oral Health Equity in America (SOHEA) survey: The State of Oral Health Equity in America (SOHEA) survey is an annual report conducted by the CareQuest Institute for Oral Health®. The survey aims to examine and analyze oral health and dental care access across the United States. It provides insights into disparities in dental insurance coverage, oral healthcare access, and the prevalence of oral health issues among adults. The SOHEA survey sheds light on the challenges faced by millions of Americans in obtaining essential dental services and highlights the pressing need for policies and initiatives to address these disparities and improve oral health equity.

4) Disparities in Oral Healthcare Access: Disparities in oral healthcare access refer to differences or inequalities in the availability and accessibility of oral healthcare services among different populations or communities. These disparities can be influenced by various factors such as socioeconomic status, geographic location, cultural barriers, and insurance coverage. When certain groups face barriers to accessing oral healthcare, it can result in unequal treatment and outcomes, ultimately affecting a population’s overall oral health equity.

5) Preventive Dental Care: Preventive dental care refers to maintaining good oral hygiene and attending regular check-ups with a dentist to prevent oral health problems before they develop or worsen. This type of care includes daily brushing and flossing, professional dental cleanings, routine dental exams, and X-rays. Preventive dental care can help identify and address dental issues early, ultimately reducing the risk of more severe problems in the future.

6) HMO dental insurance plans: HMO dental insurance plans are managed care plans in which you choose a primary dentist from a network of providers. This primary dentist coordinates all of your dental care and referrals to specialists. HMO plans typically require you to pay a copayment for each visit or service, and you may be responsible for all costs if you see a dentist outside of the network. These plans often prioritize preventive care and may cover several cleanings and exams each year at low or no cost to you. Remember that coverage and costs can vary, so reviewing the details of any specific plan you’re considering is essential.

7) Network of dental professionals: A network of dental professionals refers to a group of dentists, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and other dental specialists who are contracted with a specific dental insurance plan or dental network. When you have dental insurance, you may be required to visit dentists within the insurance company’s network to receive maximum benefits and coverage. This network helps access quality dental care while controlling costs for the insurance company and the insured individual.

8) Dental school: A dental school is a specialized educational institution that offers programs and training for individuals pursuing a career in dentistry. These schools provide comprehensive education and hands-on training in oral health, dental care, and dental procedures. Students at dental schools learn about oral anatomy, dental hygiene, dental procedures like fillings and root canals, and preventive dental care. Upon completion of their program, graduates of dental schools typically receive a degree in dentistry and are eligible to pursue licensure to practice as a dentist.

9) Gum disease: Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is an infection of the gums that can damage the soft tissue and bone that support the teeth. It is usually caused by poor oral hygiene habits that allow bacteria in plaque to remain on the teeth and infect the gums. Gum disease can lead to tooth loss and other health problems if left untreated. Maintaining good oral hygiene through regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups is vital to prevent gum disease.

10) Systemic health issues: Systemic health issues refer to health conditions that affect the entire body rather than a specific organ or body part. These conditions can be related to the immune, circulatory, or endocrine systems and have wide-ranging effects on overall health. Examples of systemic health issues include diabetes, high blood pressure, and autoimmune diseases. If you have concerns about your health, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized guidance.

Dental Insurance Plans for Affordable and Accessible Dental Care

Maintaining good oral health doesn’t solely depend on dental insurance, but it makes quality dental care more affordable. At, we offer a variety of dental insurance plans designed to make dental care accessible for everyone. Whether you need a basic check-up or more comprehensive dental work, we have the right plan. If you have any questions or are considering purchasing dental insurance, please don’t hesitate to contact our office at 310-534-3444. We are dedicated to helping you find a plan that perfectly aligns with your dental care requirements and budget.

Thank you for taking the time to read this content. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or require additional information. We appreciate your attention and hope that you found the content valuable.

Posted on Aug. 13th 2024 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews, Dentists, General News | Comments Off on Dental Insurance: Making Dental Care Affordable and Accessible

Dental Insurance and Getting Dental Bridges.

Posted on Jul. 30th 2024 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO Comments Off on Dental Insurance and Getting Dental Bridges.

Question: I am 68 years old and have been experiencing discomfort with my teeth lately. I believe some of them need to be pulled, and I will likely require a dental bridge or partial to replace them. I have ruled out dental implants due to their high cost and the fact that I am not concerned about their longevity at my age. Since I don’t have dental insurance, I am considering getting coverage. I need a plan without waiting periods if I decide to get insurance. I prefer to address the immediate issue of pulling the problematic teeth and consider the replacement options later.

Reply:  I completely understand your concerns about dental insurance and the need for immediate dental care. However, consider getting dental coverage as soon as possible. It can significantly reduce the cost of the necessary treatments, providing much-needed relief from the financial burden. Without insurance, the expenses for pulling teeth and getting a dental bridge or partial can be quite high, and these are crucial dental procedures that you shouldn’t delay.

While dental implants might not be your preferred option due to cost and longevity concerns, having insurance will still provide you with the flexibility to explore various dental replacement options in the future, including bridges, partials, or dentures. Additionally, with the right plan, you may find coverage without waiting periods for major procedures, which means you can get the care you need without unnecessary delays.

Considering your age and the discomfort you are experiencing, it’s crucial to address the immediate dental issues. This is a priority, and we understand the urgency. Ensuring that you have a plan in place for any future treatments or replacements is equally important. Dental insurance can offer you peace of mind and financial support when it comes to managing your dental health. I strongly encourage you to explore different insurance options to find a plan that meets your needs and allows you to take care of your dental concerns without added financial stress.

Posted on Jul. 30th 2024 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO | Comments Off on Dental Insurance and Getting Dental Bridges.

The Crucial Connection: Oral Health, Dental Insurance, and Overall Well-being

Posted on May. 16th 2024 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Care, Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO Comments Off on The Crucial Connection: Oral Health, Dental Insurance, and Overall Well-being

Welcome to our discussion on the importance of oral health and the impact of dental insurance coverage on overall well-being. This comprehensive article will explore the significance of maintaining good oral hygiene, the far-reaching consequences of inadequate dental insurance coverage, and the impact of neglecting oral health and delaying dental visits. We will delve into the interconnectedness of oral health and general well-being, shedding light on the financial, physical, and emotional implications of these crucial aspects of healthcare. Join us as we unravel the importance of prioritizing oral health and ensuring everyone can access affordable dental care.

Are you seeking affordable dental insurance options to ensure oral health and overall well-being? Look no further than! With a wide range of dental insurance plans to choose from, we are committed to making quality dental care accessible and affordable for everyone. Visit or call us at 310-534-3444 to explore our options and take the first step towards prioritizing your dental health without breaking the bank.

The Significance of Oral Health for Overall Well-being and Financial Stability

Good oral health is crucial for overall well-being and can significantly impact our lives. Many people underestimate the importance of oral health and its connection to general health, but neglecting oral hygiene can lead to serious health issues and financial burdens.

First and foremost, oral health is not just about having a bright smile and fresh breath; it’s about maintaining a healthy body. Poor oral health can lead to various problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay, contributing to more severe health issues. Research has shown that bacteria from the mouth can cause inflammation in other parts of the body, potentially leading to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. By prioritizing good oral hygiene, we can help prevent these serious health issues and ultimately save ourselves from the emotional and financial costs of treating them.

Furthermore, taking care of our oral health can save us money in the long run. As dental care costs continue to rise, many people struggle to afford adequate dental insurance coverage. Individuals often delay dental visits until problems arise, which can result in more extensive and costly treatments. By prioritizing regular dental check-ups and cleanings, we can address minor dental concerns before they become major health issues, ultimately saving us from expensive treatments in the future.

Fortunately, maintaining good oral hygiene doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. Simple habits like brushing your teeth twice daily, flossing regularly, and using mouthwash can go a long way in preventing dental issues. These habits are not only practical and cost-effective but also have a direct impact on our overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, prioritizing oral health is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. Investing in preventive care and maintaining good oral hygiene habits can minimize the need for costly dental treatments in the future and contribute to our overall well-being. Let’s consider the power of a healthy smile and take proactive steps to ensure our oral health aligns with our overall health.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Inadequate Dental Insurance Coverage

Inadequate dental insurance coverage has a significant impact. As dental care costs continue rising, many individuals and families struggle to afford dental treatments and check-ups. The lack of adequate dental insurance coverage often leads to individuals delaying dental visits until issues arise, which can result in more extensive and costly treatments.

Many people without proper dental Insurance have to make difficult choices regarding their oral health. Some may forgo necessary treatments or preventive care, leading to serious dental issues. Delayed dental treatment not only affects their oral health but also directly impacts their overall well-being.

The financial burden of inadequate dental insurance coverage is also significant. Many people have to bear the total cost of dental treatments, which can be excessive and unmanageable for those on a tight budget. Dental care costs can lead to increased financial stress and affect an individual’s ability to seek necessary dental care, ultimately leading to more severe health issues and higher long-term costs.

Furthermore, the impact of inadequate dental insurance coverage extends beyond financial concerns. Poor oral health can lead to various systemic health issues, as bacteria from the mouth can cause inflammation in other parts of the body. The bacteria can contribute to conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections, highlighting the interconnectedness of oral health and overall well-being.

It’s clear that the impact of inadequate dental insurance coverage is far-reaching and can have severe consequences for individuals and their families. Access to affordable dental care is essential for maintaining good oral health and preventing more severe health issues. Policymakers, employers, and individuals must recognize the importance of comprehensive dental insurance coverage and work towards ensuring that everyone has access to the dental care they need to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

The Far-Reaching Impact of Neglecting Oral Health and Delaying Dental Visits

Neglecting oral health and delaying dental visits can have severe consequences beyond the condition of your teeth and gums. Poor oral health can lead to various problems, such as gum disease and tooth decay, contributing to more severe health issues.

When we neglect oral health, harmful bacteria thrive in our mouths, leading to inflammation and infections that can affect other body parts. Research has linked oral health to heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory infections. Neglecting oral hygiene can directly impact our overall well-being, potentially leading to serious health issues that could have been prevented with proper oral care. 

In addition to the health consequences, there are financial implications as well. Delaying dental visits and neglecting oral health can result in the need for more extensive and costly treatments down the line. By not addressing minor dental concerns early on, we risk developing more severe and expensive dental problems, leading to significant financial burdens and stress as dental care costs continue to rise and proper insurance coverage becomes increasingly important.

It’s essential to recognize that oral health is not just about having a bright smile and fresh breath; it’s about maintaining a healthy body and preventing potentially serious health issues. By prioritizing good oral hygiene and regular dental check-ups, we can avoid the consequences of neglecting oral health and ultimately save ourselves from the emotional, physical, and financial costs associated with more severe health issues. Let’s take proactive steps to prioritize our oral health and recognize its far-reaching impact on our well-being.

The Financial Impact of Neglecting Oral Health and Delaying Dental Visits

Neglecting oral health and delaying dental visits can lead to more extensive and costly treatments, causing a significant financial burden. 

For instance, a minor cavity can cost around $150.00 (without dental Insurance). Still, if untreated with a simple filling, it may progress into a severe tooth infection, requiring a root canal procedure that can cost up to $1000.00 or more. The cost of a root canal is considerably higher than that of a filling, and the subsequent need for a dental crown to restore the tooth further increases the expenses.

Moreover, neglecting oral health can result in advanced gum disease, which may necessitate periodontal treatments such as deep cleaning procedures or even gum surgery. These treatments involve higher costs. Without Insurance, you can expect treatment to cost anywhere from $200 to $5000, depending on how severe your gum disease is and the level of treatment needed. 

In some cases, untreated oral health issues can lead to tooth loss, requiring more complex and expensive interventions such as dental implants or bridges to restore dental function and aesthetics. The cost of these therapeutic procedures can be substantial, and the long-term consequences of tooth loss on oral health and overall well-being further emphasize the importance of preventive care.

We can underscore the financial implications of neglecting oral health by highlighting these examples of cost increases for more extensive dental care needs resulting from poor oral care. Encouraging individuals to prioritize regular dental check-ups and preventive oral care can prevent the need for these vast and costly treatments and save them from the financial strain associated with advanced dental procedures.

Strategies for Accessing Affordable Dental Care Without Insurance Coverage

Accessing affordable dental care without adequate insurance coverage can be challenging, but several options are available to individuals in this situation. One option is to explore community health centers or local dental schools, which often provide low-cost or sliding-scale fee dental services. Some non-profit organizations and charitable foundations also offer dental care assistance to those in need.

Another avenue to consider is dental discount plans that offer discounted rates for dental services from participating dentists. While not the same as Insurance, these plans can provide savings on various dental procedures.

Furthermore, negotiating directly with dental providers for lower rates or payment plans may be an option for individuals without adequate insurance coverage. Some dentists are willing to work with patients to make dental care more affordable.

It’s also important to inquire about any available government-sponsored or subsidized dental programs at the local, state, or federal level. These programs may offer assistance to low-income individuals and families.

Ultimately, proactive research and contacting local resources and dental providers can help individuals without adequate dental insurance coverage access affordable dental care. While the process may require effort, options are available to make dental care more accessible and manageable.

Affordable and Accessible Dental Care: The Benefits of HMO Dental Plans

When it comes to dental Insurance, many people may feel overwhelmed by the perceived costs and complexities. However, it’s important to recognize that low-cost dental insurance options, such as Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), are available that can provide valuable coverage and peace of mind without breaking the bank.

HMO dental plans are designed to offer affordable and accessible dental care to individuals and families. By enrolling in an HMO dental plan, you gain access to a network of dentists and specialists who have agreed to provide dental services at a reduced cost. This network-based approach allows HMO plans to offer lower premiums and out-of-pocket costs than traditional dental insurance plans, making quality dental care more attainable for a broader range of individuals.

Moreover, HMO dental plans often cover preventive services, such as routine cleanings, exams, and X-rays, at little to no cost, encouraging regular dental visits and proactive oral care. By prioritizing preventive care, individuals can address minor dental concerns before they escalate into more severe and costly issues, ultimately saving money in the long run.

It’s important to highlight that HMO dental plans also typically have no annual maximums or waiting periods for preventive care, providing immediate access to essential dental services without financial barriers. Individuals can seek necessary dental treatments without worrying about reaching a maximum coverage limit or waiting for extended periods before receiving care.

Additionally, HMO dental plans often do not require deductibles or coinsurance for preventive services, providing straightforward and predictable costs for essential dental care. This transparency in pricing can alleviate the financial uncertainty often associated with dental treatments, allowing individuals to budget effectively for their oral health needs.

By choosing an HMO dental plan, individuals can take advantage of cost-effective coverage and a network of dental providers while prioritizing their oral health and overall well-being. With affordable premiums, comprehensive benefits, and a focus on preventive care, HMO dental plans offer a compelling solution for individuals seeking quality dental insurance without straining their budget.

In conclusion, HMO dental plans are a practical and affordable option for individuals and families seeking reliable dental coverage. By exploring the benefits of HMO dental plans, individuals can access essential dental services, prioritize preventive care, and enjoy peace of mind, knowing that their oral health needs are well-supported without incurring significant financial burdens.

The Advantages of a Dental PPO Plan for Flexibility and Cost Savings

Regarding dental Insurance, a PPO plan offers a significant advantage if you want to keep seeing your current dentist or have the freedom to choose any dentist without being limited to a network. While the cost of a dental PPO plan may be higher than an HMO, its flexibility can ultimately save you money in the long run.

With a PPO plan, you have the freedom to visit any licensed dentist, whether they are in-network or out-of-network. With a PPO, you can continue seeing your trusted dentist without switching providers. Additionally, if you move or want to change dentists, you can choose a new provider without network restrictions.

Another benefit of a dental PPO plan is that it typically covers more of the cost for out-of-network providers than other insurance plans. Even if your preferred dentist is not in the network, you can still receive decent coverage for your dental care.

Moreover, while the monthly premiums for a PPO plan may be higher, the potential savings on out-of-network services can make it a cost-effective choice in the long term. This is especially true if you value the freedom to choose your dentist and want the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have options for your dental care.

In conclusion, a dental PPO plan offers flexibility and choice when selecting a dentist, which can be invaluable for many individuals. Despite the higher cost, the potential for long-term savings and the ability to receive quality care from a trusted dentist of your choosing make a dental PPO plan a compelling option for those who prioritize flexibility and personalized care in their dental Insurance.

The Importance of Prioritizing Oral Health and Securing Suitable Dental Insurance Coverage

In conclusion, prioritizing oral health is essential for a healthy and fulfilling life. Investing in preventive care and maintaining good oral hygiene habits can minimize the need for costly dental treatments in the future and contribute to our overall well-being. Let’s consider the power of a healthy smile and take proactive steps to ensure our oral health aligns with our overall health. 

Additionally, it’s crucial to recognize the far-reaching impact of inadequate dental insurance coverage and the consequences of neglecting oral health and delaying dental visits. Access to affordable dental care and suitable insurance coverage is vital for maintaining good oral health and preventing more severe health issues.

Whether through exploring alternative options for affordable dental care, considering HMO dental plans for cost-effective coverage, or opting for the flexibility and personalized care of a dental PPO plan, prioritizing oral health and securing suitable dental insurance coverage can lead to long-term health benefits and financial stability. Let’s take proactive steps to prioritize our oral health and recognize its far-reaching impact on our well-being.

Posted on May. 16th 2024 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Care, Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO | Comments Off on The Crucial Connection: Oral Health, Dental Insurance, and Overall Well-being

Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?

Posted on Apr. 26th 2024 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental News, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews Comments Off on Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?

Question: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed? I need clarification on the concept of having your wisdom teeth removed. Do you always have to have them removed? I just started having my bottom wisdom teeth come out, but they seem fine. They do not hurt me and, as far as I can tell, are coming out straight.

So why remove them just because? My dentist said they can start to cause problems, but if they are not causing problems now, why take them out? As you can see, I do not want to have any extractions. One is because of the cost, and two is because I only see the point if they are necessary. Lastly, there is a pain issue after having wisdom teeth removed.

Reply: Many people wonder if they must always have their wisdom teeth removed. As someone who has just started experiencing the emergence of their bottom wisdom teeth, you may also be curious about this. It’s essential to understand that wisdom teeth are the last set of molars to come in, usually between the ages of 17 and 25. These teeth can become impacted, meaning they grow at an angle, pushing against other teeth and causing pain and discomfort. Sometimes, they can cause gum disease, tooth decay, and even cysts. 

You’ve noticed that your wisdom teeth are coming out straight and aren’t causing pain or discomfort. So, why should you remove them? Your dentist has mentioned that they may cause problems, but why bother with extraction if they’re not causing any issues now? Not all wisdom teeth require extraction, and it is essential to note this. However, discussing this with your dentist and getting their professional opinion is best. They may suggest removing your wisdom teeth as a preventative measure to avoid future problems or leaving them if they aren’t causing any issues. 

You’re hesitant about undergoing the procedure, primarily due to the cost and the fact that you don’t see the point of getting it done unless necessary. It’s understandable to be concerned about the price, but keep in mind that leaving impacted wisdom teeth untreated can lead to more expensive and painful dental problems down the line. Ultimately, the decision to remove your wisdom teeth is yours, but it’s essential to consider your dentist’s advice and the procedure’s potential long-term benefits.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth: When to Extract and When to Keep Them

Wisdom teeth can cause a lot of confusion among dental patients. They are often a point of concern due to their potential to cause pain and discomfort, but many people are unsure whether or not they need to have them extracted. Here are some points that can help break down why you may need to pull a wisdom tooth and when you may not have to do so:

Reasons for extraction:

  •  Impacted wisdom teeth that are growing at an angle, pushing against other teeth and causing pain and discomfort
  • Wisdom teeth that are causing gum disease, tooth decay, or cysts: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can cause gum disease, tooth decay, or cysts when they don’t have enough room to grow correctly. When wisdom teeth don’t fully emerge from the gums, they can create pockets where bacteria can grow, leading to gum inflammation and infection. Additionally, wisdom teeth can push against neighboring teeth, causing crowding and making it harder to clean teeth properly, leading to tooth decay. In some cases, wisdom teeth can also form cysts. Cysts are fluid-filled sacs that can damage the surrounding bone and teeth. It is essential to monitor the growth of wisdom teeth and consult a dentist if any issues arise.
  •  Crowding, misalignment, or other orthodontic issues: Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, can cause crowding, misalignment, or other orthodontic problems because they often don’t have enough room to emerge correctly in the mouth. Crowding can cause wisdom teeth to become impacted, meaning they cannot fully emerge from the gum line. When this happens, they can push against other teeth, causing them to shift out of alignment and creating crowding in the mouth. In some cases, wisdom teeth can also cause damage to adjacent teeth or lead to infection and inflammation in the gums. For this reason, many dentists recommend having wisdom teeth removed to prevent these issues from occurring.

Reasons for not extracting:

  • Wisdom teeth that come in straight and do not cause pain or discomfort
  •  Wisdom teeth that are fully functional and can be adequately cleaned
  • Wisdom teeth that do not pose any risk to the patient’s dental health

Generally, it is best to consult a dentist to determine whether or not wisdom teeth should be extracted. A dentist can assess the patient’s overall dental health, the position of the wisdom teeth, and the potential risks associated with leaving them in place. It is essential to consider the dentist’s professional opinion while deciding what will be best for your long-term dental health.

Understanding Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure, Recovery, and Aftercare

Wisdom teeth removal is a standard dental procedure that many people undergo. This procedure is usually recommended by a dentist or oral surgeon when the wisdom teeth do not have enough space in the mouth to grow properly. It may cause problems like pain, infection, or damage to adjacent teeth. The wisdom teeth removal process involves several steps, from the initial consultation to post-operative care. This article will discuss each step in detail to help you understand what to expect during the procedure and how to take care of yourself afterward.

The process of wisdom teeth removal usually involves the following steps:

1. Consultation: The first step is to consult with a dentist or oral surgeon to determine whether you need to have your wisdom teeth removed. During your consultation, the dental professional may conduct a physical examination and take X-rays to evaluate the position of your teeth and assess any potential complications. This thorough evaluation will help the dental professional determine the best course of action for you, whether removing your wisdom teeth or pursuing alternative treatments. It’s always important to seek the advice of a professional to ensure the best outcome for your dental health. 

2. Anesthesia: Anesthesia is essential to the wisdom teeth removal procedure. Before the procedure begins, you will be given a local anesthetic to numb the area around the tooth. The anesthetic will help ensure you don’t feel any pain during extraction. Sometimes, you may also receive a sedative to help you relax during the procedure. 

The type of anesthesia used depends on your specific situation and the dentist’s recommendation. Local anesthesia is the most common type used for wisdom teeth removal. It is a numbing agent injected into the gum tissue around the tooth, numbing the area. Sometimes, the dentist may use general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep during the procedure. General anesthesia is for more complex extractions or if the patient has a high level of anxiety about the procedure.

Sedation is also an option for patients who are anxious or nervous about the procedure. There are different levels of sedation, including minimal sedation, moderate sedation, and deep sedation. Minimal sedation involves the use of nitrous oxide, which is also known as laughing gas. This type of sedation helps the patient to relax and feel more comfortable during the procedure. Moderate sedation, also known as conscious sedation, involves a medication that is given through an IV. This type of sedation puts the patient in a semi-conscious state, but they can still respond to commands. Deep sedation is the highest level of sedation and involves placing the patient to sleep during the procedure.

Discussing your anesthesia options with your dentist before the procedure is essential to determining the best method for you. Your dentist will consider your medical history, anxiety level, and the complexity of the extraction when making a recommendation. With the proper anesthesia, you can ensure a pain-free and comfortable wisdom teeth removal experience. 

3. Extraction:  Extraction of wisdom teeth typically involves a surgical procedure. Once the anesthesia has taken effect, the dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to access the tooth. They may also need to remove any bone blocking the tooth or cut the tooth into smaller pieces to facilitate its removal. 

Once the tooth is accessible, the dentist will use forceps to loosen it from the socket and remove it. This process can sometimes be uncomfortable, but the anesthesia should help minimize any pain or discomfort. 

After removing the tooth, the dentist cleans the area and places gauze over the socket to control bleeding. They may also stitch the gum tissue to promote healing.

4. Sutures: After removing the tooth, the dentist or oral surgeon may need to place stitches to close the wound. These stitches will dissolve over time.

5. Recovery: After the procedure, it is common to experience some swelling, discomfort, and bleeding. The dentist or oral surgeon will provide instructions for managing these symptoms, such as applying ice packs, taking pain medication, and avoiding smoking and drinking through a straw.

It is also essential to keep the extraction site clean to prevent infection. The dentist or oral surgeon will provide instructions on how to do this, such as rinsing with salt water or using special mouthwash.

Most people can resume normal activities within a few days of the procedure, but the area may take several weeks to heal fully.

6. Aftercare:  Following the dentist or oral surgeon’s aftercare instructions is essential to ensure proper healing and prevent complications. The aftercare instructions may include:

  • Taking any prescribed medications as directed
  • Eating soft foods and avoiding crunchy or hard foods for a few days
  • Avoiding smoking and drinking alcohol
  • Rinsing the mouth with salt water or using a special mouthwash
  • Brushing and flossing gently around the extraction site
  • Attending follow-up appointments with the dentist or oral surgeon to monitor healing progress and remove stitches.

It’s important to closely follow your dentist’s instructions for aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extractions without Dental Insurance

The cost of wisdom teeth extractions without dental insurance can vary depending on various factors, such as the location, the complexity of the procedure, and the dentist’s experience. The average cost can range from $225 to $800 per tooth. However, some dentists may charge more or less than the average cost. It’s best to consult a dentist in your area for a precise cost estimate based on your case. 

There are a few ways to make wisdom teeth extractions more affordable if you don’t have dental insurance. One option is to shop around and compare prices at different dental clinics to find the most affordable option. Some clinics may offer payment plans or discounts for patients paying out of pocket. Another option is to look into dental schools or clinics associated with dental schools, where students may perform the extraction under the supervision of licensed professionals at a lower cost. You could also consider applying for a dental credit card or financing to spread out the cost of the extraction over a more extended period.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Wisdom Teeth Extractions without Dental Insurance

The average savings of having wisdom teeth extraction with dental insurance can be up to 50% or more. However, it is essential to check with your dental insurance provider to see your specific coverage and if there are any out-of-pocket expenses.

Having dental insurance can help cover the cost of wisdom teeth extractions, which can be expensive without coverage. Without insurance, patients are responsible for the total cost of the procedure, which can range from several hundred dollars per tooth, depending on the complexity of the extraction.

Additionally, dental insurance can help cover other dental services necessary before or after wisdom teeth extractions, such as X-rays, consultations, and follow-up appointments. Insurance can help patients avoid unexpected costs and ensure they receive the care they need for their dental health.

It’s essential to review the details of any dental insurance policy before undergoing wisdom teeth extractions to understand what services are covered, any deductibles or copays, and any restrictions or limitations. Patients should also consult with their dentist to determine the best course of action for their dental health and any potential complications or risks of the procedure.

Having dental insurance before undergoing wisdom teeth extractions helps patients save money and ensure they receive the necessary care for their dental health. It’s essential to review the details of any insurance policy and consult with a dentist to determine the best course of action for your dental needs.

Understanding the Importance of Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Risks and Benefits Explained

In closing, it is essential to understand that wisdom teeth can cause dental problems if left untreated. While not all wisdom teeth require extraction, it is crucial to consult your dentist to understand the potential risks of keeping your wisdom teeth. If you experience pain or discomfort in your wisdom teeth, it is best to seek professional advice to determine whether extraction is necessary. Remember that the decision to remove your wisdom teeth ultimately lies with you, but it is essential to consider the potential long-term benefits and risks. By being proactive and discussing your options with your dentist, you can make an informed decision that will help you maintain good dental health. – Your Comprehensive Resource for Dental Insurance Plans and Procedures is a comprehensive resource for consumers seeking information and reviews on dental plans and procedures. The site provides consumer opinions for dental insurance plans, dental plan procedures, dentists, and the various dental plans sold on the internet, including dental discount plans, reduced dental fee for service, PPO dental insurance plans, DHMO, and dental insurance indemnity products for individual and family dental plans. 

One of the standout features of is the free dental insurance quotes available to consumers. These quotes can be obtained by calling the office at 310-534-3444, where a representative can provide a quote over the phone and help individuals select the best dental insurance plan for their needs. With a wide range of dental insurance plan types, individuals can compare plans and choose the one that works best for them.

In addition to providing free dental insurance quotes, offers a wealth of information and resources on dental care and insurance. The site focuses on affordability and accessibility, which may be helpful for those seeking cost-effective dental options. Whether someone is looking for information on a specific procedure or wants to read consumer reviews on a dental insurance plan, there is something for everyone on also prides itself on providing excellent customer service. Its office hours are from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. M—F, and representatives are available to answer any questions and help individuals navigate the often-confusing world of dental insurance. By offering valuable resources, personalized support, and a wide range of dental insurance plan options, is an excellent resource for anyone seeking affordable and accessible dental care.

Posted on Apr. 26th 2024 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Help, Dental HMO, Dental Insurance, Dental News, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote, Dental Reviews | Comments Off on Dental Opinions: Must you always have your wisdom teeth removed?

Affordable Dental Care: Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Without Breaking the Bank.

Posted on Apr. 12th 2024 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Care, Dental Claims, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote Comments Off on Affordable Dental Care: Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Without Breaking the Bank.

Question: I need to find a family dental plan where we can all go to the dentist whenever we need to and pay the dental office bills after the dental insurance company pays their part before making us pay our share of the cost. Currently, we pay the dentist upfront for the total cost of our dental services and wait for the insurance company to refund us. The problem is we don’t always have the money to pay in full, which is why we got the insurance in the first place. 

Having to pay the dentist in full upfront is keeping us from going to the dentist, and at that point, I do not see spending $125.00 a month for a dental insurance plan we do not even use because we can not pay upfront for dental services. What options are left for us that would be more affordable?

Reply: Welcome! I hope you are doing well today. I want to discuss dental insurance plans and how claims are processed. I can understand why the claims process can be distressing, especially concerning how the claims get paid. Let me assure you that you are not alone. Many people have questions about dental insurance plans and how they work.

Based on what you have told me, you have either a dental PPO or an Indemnity dental insurance plan. Consider talking to your dentist if you like the plan benefits and coverages overall and if it’s just about how claims are paid. With dental PPO and Indemnity plans, the payment process and how the dentist gets paid is really up to the dental office. It does not typically come from your insurance company.

The dentist can choose to submit the claim and get paid by the insurance company before billing out any remaining balances to their patient. In the past, many dental offices processed claims that way. However, sadly, many patients would fail to pay their part, and then the dentist’s office would have to chase them down for payment. That is why numerous dental practices have resorted to charging their patients the full amount and requiring them to submit claims to their insurance company to reimburse the portion owed to them.

Some dental offices charge you what they think your part of the cost would be, based on your policy coverages, then bill or credit you depending on the outcome. However, only some dentists still do this, as it can still be an issue of fully getting paid for services already rendered.

Based on what we have discussed, it is not an issue with the insurance plan per se but more of knowing how your dentist is willing to file claims and how they expect you to pay for services. Therefore, if you are still facing issues with your dental insurance plan, you may need to change your dental office, not your dental insurance plan. I hope this information was helpful to you. If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Affordable Dental Care: Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Without Breaking the Bank

Ensuring proper dental care is essential for maintaining overall health, and avoiding necessary procedures due to cost can be detrimental. To help with the affordability of dental care, we have compiled a few suggestions that may be useful to you. Please find the tips below regarding a PPO or Indemnity dental insurance plan.

1) Find out how the dental office files a claim: Talking to the dental office about their claims process is essential in understanding what is expected of you before receiving dental services. You should find out how the dental office processes claims and what upfront cost they expect from you. 

Some dental offices may require you to pay the total cost of the dental services upfront and then submit your claim to the insurance company for reimbursement. In contrast, others may charge the insurance company directly and only bill you for the remaining balance. 

Knowing your financial obligation before receiving dental services is crucial, as this can help you budget your dental costs accordingly. Additionally, ask about any payment plans or financing options that the dental office offers to help you cover the cost of your dental services.

If you are unsatisfied with your current dental office’s claims process, consider switching to a different provider offering more favorable payment terms. Many dental offices are willing to work with their patients to find a payment plan that fits their budget, so don’t hesitate to ask about your options.

By understanding your dental office’s claims process and what is expected of you before receiving dental services, you can take control of your dental health and ensure you get the care you need without breaking the bank.

2) Payment Plan: Another option to consider is a payment plan. Some dental offices offer payment plans for patients to pay for their dental services over time. You can ask your dental office if they offer any payment plans and if they have any discounts available for paying in total upfront.

Additionally, you can inquire if the dental office will charge you based on your insurance coverage. You will be billed for adjusted differences after the insurance company pays them. By asking these questions before receiving dental services, you can budget your costs accordingly and be prepared for any financial obligations.

It’s essential to communicate with your dental office about your financial situation and any concerns you may have regarding payment. Many dental offices are willing to work with their patients to find a payment plan that suits their budget, so don’t hesitate to ask about your options.

3) Get a Cost Estimate: Dental care services can be expensive, especially if they involve complex procedures or treatments. As a responsible patient, it’s essential to know the costs involved and plan accordingly. Before undergoing any dental care service that costs more than $200.00/$300.00, requesting an estimate of coverage cost from your dental insurance company is a good idea. 

This estimate will help you understand the coverage your insurance company will pay for the service and the out-of-pocket costs you’ll be responsible for. Understanding the service’s total cost in advance can help you plan your budget accordingly and avoid any unpleasant surprises later on. 

It’s worth noting that dental insurance policies can vary widely in terms of coverage and limitations. Hence, reviewing your policy carefully and asking questions if you need clarification is essential. Also, remember that some dental services may not be covered by insurance at all, so it’s necessary to understand the total cost upfront. 

By requesting an estimate of coverage cost from your insurance company, you can make informed decisions about your dental care and avoid any unexpected bills.

4) Budget Dental Cost: Budgeting for dental care costs is an excellent way to ensure that you can afford the care you need when you need it without breaking the bank. While having dental insurance is a fantastic start towards reducing dental care costs, the cost associated with dental care may still be challenging to manage if you do not plan.

One simple way to budget dental care costs is to set aside a small amount each pay period. For example, you could set aside $20.00 each pay period or whatever amount you can afford. The key is to use that money only for dental care and avoid dipping into it for other expenses.

If you get paid twice a month and budget $20.00 per pay period, that’s $40.00 per month and $480.00 per year. If you only need preventive care in a year, which is typically free or at least under $100.00 (with insurance), continuing to save this amount will help pay for more extensive dental needs in the future. The more you can put aside each pay period, the more you will have towards larger dental care costs.

By budgeting for dental care costs ahead of time, you can feel more in control of your dental health and avoid the financial stress that can come with unexpected dental expenses. 

5) Change Dentist: If your dentist is not willing to work with you on payment options and you find it challenging to pay for dental services in full, it may be beneficial to look for a more flexible dentist. We understand that dentists need to get paid for the services provided, but not everyone can pay for those services upfront, which is why many people consider payment plans an option. 

Some dental offices offer payment plans for patients to pay for their services over time. You can ask the dental office if they have any payment plans or if they would be willing to create a payment plan that works for your budget.

Another option to consider is financing through third-party companies that specialize in dental financing. These companies work with dental offices to provide payment plans and financing options for patients who need them. Working with a financing company allows you to get the dental care you need without paying for everything upfront.

Lastly, if you do not have access to credit cards or want to avoid incurring more debt, shopping around for a dental provider that will work with your budget may be helpful. Many dentists understand that dental care can be costly and are willing to work out a payment plan that fits your needs. Finding the right dentist may take some research and effort, but it is worth it if it means getting the dental care you need.

In summary, options are available if you struggle to afford dental services. You can look for a dentist who offers payment plans or financing options or shop around for a dentist willing to work with your budget. It is essential to prioritize your dental health and get the care you need, and finding a dentist who understands your financial situation can help you do just that.

Other Alternatives for Lower-Cost Dental Care

Here are some other options that may help make your dental care cost more affordable, but they may also require you to choose a new dentist as your provider. 

1) Dental HMO Insurance Plans: Dental insurance is an excellent way to maintain good dental health while saving money. However, the cost of dental insurance can often be a barrier for many people. Fortunately, Dental HMO insurance plans can be an affordable option for those seeking dental coverage.

One of the primary benefits of an HMO dental insurance plan is that you do not have to file claims. HMO plans have already negotiated rates with the dentists in the plan network. The plan providers have a fee schedule for each covered service, which outlines the costs. Therefore, you only have to pay the reduced, negotiated prices when you receive dental services.

Another advantage of HMO dental insurance plans is that they are typically more affordable than other dental insurance plans. This is because HMO plans limit the dentists and facilities you can use to those within the plan’s network. As a result, the plan providers can negotiate lower rates with these dentists and facilities, which results in more affordable dental services.

While you may have to pay in full when you receive dental services, the negotiated prices are generally much more affordable than what you would pay without insurance. However, if you still find it challenging to pay for your dental services upfront, ask your dentist if they offer a payment plan option.

In summary, HMO dental insurance plans can be an excellent option for those seeking affordable dental coverage. With no claims to file and reduced, negotiated prices, HMO dental plans can help you stay on top of your dental health without breaking the bank. If you’re looking for a way to save money on dental services, an HMO dental insurance plan may be worth considering.

2) Dental Schools: Dental schools can be an excellent resource for saving money on dental care costs. Dental schools offer low-cost or free dental services to the public as part of their training programs for future dentists.

While it may seem daunting to receive dental services from a student rather than a licensed dentist, dental students are supervised by experienced dentists, ensuring that patients receive quality care. In fact, dental schools have some of the most advanced and up-to-date dental equipment and technology available, making it an attractive option for those seeking affordable dental care.

In addition to offering basic dental services such as cleanings and fillings, dental schools also provide more specialized treatments such as root canals, crowns, and implants, all at a fraction of the cost of a traditional dental office. Patients can expect to save anywhere from 30 to 50% on dental services when visiting a dental school.

It is worth noting that dental school appointments may take longer than appointments at a traditional dental office, as the students are still learning and may take more time to complete procedures. However, this extra time is often reflected in the lower cost of services.

To find a dental school near you, you can search online or contact your local dental association for recommendations. It is also important to note that dental schools may have specific patient requirements, such as a need for certain dental services or a willingness to participate in student evaluations.

Overall, utilizing the services of a dental school can be an excellent option for individuals looking to save money on dental care costs. Not only can it provide affordable dental care, but it can also contribute to the education and training of future dentists.

Get affordable dental care with our comprehensive insurance plans – Contact us today for a free quote.

I hope that the information provided was helpful and informative. Remember, ensuring proper dental care is essential for overall health and well-being. By understanding your dental insurance plan and knowing your financial obligations before receiving dental services, you can take control of your dental health and get the care you need without breaking the bank.  

Thank you for contacting us regarding dental insurance plans and tips for affordable dental care. At, we understand the importance of having access to affordable and comprehensive dental care. That’s why we offer a range of dental insurance plans to meet your needs.

If you have any questions about our dental insurance plans or would like a complimentary dental insurance quote for you and your family, we encourage you to call us. Our knowledgeable representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. to answer your questions and help you find the plan that best fits your needs and budget.

Don’t let the cost of dental care keep you from maintaining good oral health. Contact us today at 310-534-3444 to learn more about our dental insurance plans and how we can help you get the care you need at an affordable price. Thank you for considering for your dental insurance needs.

Posted on Apr. 12th 2024 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Care, Dental Claims, Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans, Dental PPO, Dental Quote | Comments Off on Affordable Dental Care: Tips for Maintaining Oral Health Without Breaking the Bank.

Dental Opinions – Tips for first time dental insurance buyer

Posted on May. 13th 2023 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Tips for first time dental insurance buyer

I want to avoid scams

I never bought dental insurance and it is a little overwhelming and scary.  I do not want to buy into a plan that is just some sort of scam or will not really help me with my dental needs.  I would really like some tips in buying a dental insurance so I can avoid any misunderstanding into what I am buying.   What are some things that I should know and look out for?
If it matters I live in Florida.  My teeth are in good shape I think but I have not been to see a dentist in a little over a year.  I am scared about getting stuck with a plan that is a scam and will not help me with my needs.  Please any advise or tips would be nice.
Posted on May. 13th 2023 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Help, Dental Insurance, Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Tips for first time dental insurance buyer

CA Dental, Finding Affordable Dental Insurance

Posted on Jan. 7th 2016 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans Comments Off on CA Dental, Finding Affordable Dental Insurance

Affordable Dental Plans in California

According to the National Association of Dental Plans, approximately half of the U.S. population does not have an affordable dental plan. The cost for affordable dental insurance can vary. Therefore, it is important to understand all your options in obtaining the most affordable dental plan coverage.

The company where you work may provide the most affordable dental insurance plan options. Dental insurance plans for individual and families are usually an HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) or a PPO (Preferred Provided Organization) and operate much like traditional health insurance organizations.

Posted on Jan. 7th 2016 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plan Reviews, Dental Plans | Comments Off on CA Dental, Finding Affordable Dental Insurance

Reviewing dental discount plans in New Jersey

Posted on May. 15th 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Reviewing dental discount plans in New Jersey

Reviewing dental discount plans in New Jersey.  I live in New Jersey and have very little extra money.  I been shopping out for dental plans and finding what I can afford to get would be a dental discount plan.  I do not have anything wrong with my teeth but since I do not receive dental benefits though work I would like to  know I have some type of dental plan in place.

Can you advise how a dental discount plan works how do I get the savings and do I need to pick a dentist in the plan or is there any outside network providers in a dental plan?   Thanks

Posted on May. 15th 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Reviewing dental discount plans in New Jersey

Buying dental plans on line with good reviews.

Posted on May. 7th 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Buying dental plans on line with good reviews.

Buying dental plans on line with good reviews.   I live in Maine and do not know really anything about having dental insurance or dental plans.  I really do not want to go into many different web sites since it just start going over my head and I start to tune out.   I would like to get a low cost dental plan that help me with my basic dental care.  I do not need any thing major done so I not looking to spend alot of money but I like to have a plan that get good reviews and works well.   Can you advise what you have to offer.

Posted on May. 7th 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Buying dental plans on line with good reviews.

Dental Save Dental Discount plan in New Jersey

Posted on May. 1st 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental Save Dental Discount plan in New Jersey

Dental Save Dental Discount plan in New Jersey. I see you offer a dental discount plan though Dental Save+ that seems to be a bit better then the other plans I have review so far. I trying to find the best saving plan at the lowest cost and Dental Save + seems to fit that bill. Can you tell me a little more about how the plan work and anything else you feel I should know before buying it.

Posted on May. 1st 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental Save Dental Discount plan in New Jersey

How do you Evaluate a Discount Dental Plan?

Posted on Apr. 26th 2011 by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Plans Comments Off on How do you Evaluate a Discount Dental Plan?

How do you Evaluate a Discount Dental Plan? I live in New York and I see there are many dental discount plan options. Having to buy a dental plan is new to me and a bit of a pain. How do you evaluate one dental discount plan over another in choosing which dental discount plan is the best one to get. I do not want to get a dental discount plan that is really no good. Then have to deal with looking for another one. Please advise

Posted on Apr. 26th 2011 | by Dental Plan Reviews | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on How do you Evaluate a Discount Dental Plan?

What reviews do you have to offer on the Careington 500 series dental plan?

Posted on Apr. 25th 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on What reviews do you have to offer on the Careington 500 series dental plan?

What reviews do you have to offer on the Careington 500 series dental plan? I live in Texas and I see you offer a few dental discount plans that are within what I am willing to spend for a dental plan. I wanting to know if Careington is a good dental plan options. Will get get the saving that they plan shows. What are the options on Careington vs the other dental discount plans you have to offer?

Posted on Apr. 25th 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on What reviews do you have to offer on the Careington 500 series dental plan?

How does the Dental Save+ plan work?

Posted on Apr. 21st 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on How does the Dental Save+ plan work?

How does the Dental Save+ plan work? I will be getting dental braces but do not have any dental insurance that offer coverages for Orthodontic dental services. Is getting the Dental Save+ plan worth it? I would like to get braces before my wedding that is coming up next year.

After searching on line I came across Dental Save+. It seems legit, but some of the reviews I read on line are bad and some are really good. Not sure want to think but would like some advise in buying the best plan for me.


Posted on Apr. 21st 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on How does the Dental Save+ plan work?

Discount Dental Plans, A good low cost Dental Insurance Alternative for Individuals

Posted on Apr. 19th 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Discount Dental Plans, A good low cost Dental Insurance Alternative for Individuals

Discount Dental Plans, A good low cost Dental Insurance Alternative for Individuals:   When you are a low income or fixed income sometimes buying dental insurance can be out of your budget. However that does not mean you have to go without.

Take the time to review dental discount plans and see if they will fit for your dental needs. For a very low monthly cost dental discount plans will save you money off all your dental services and care needs. They offer their discounted saving with no waiting periods, yearly max limitations and no deductibles. Also you do not have the hassle of dealing with claims forms. By giving a dental discount plan a second look you may find out that it can be very useful to you at a very low cost staying with in most people budgets.

Posted on Apr. 19th 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Discount Dental Plans, A good low cost Dental Insurance Alternative for Individuals

Dental discount plans Reviews for Florida.

Posted on Apr. 2nd 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental discount plans Reviews for Florida.

Dental discount plans Reviews for Florida.  I see that you offer a few dental discount plan choices and  I like to get one for my boy friend so he can have some dental saving off his dental care.   He has a few big dental issues that need to be address and I am not sure which is the best plan to get for him.  Can you offer some advise in picking the best dental plan?

Posted on Apr. 2nd 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental discount plans Reviews for Florida.

Full time student looking for dental insurance in California

Posted on Mar. 31st 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Full time student looking for dental insurance in California

Full time student looking for dental insurance in California.  I am live in Los Angeles and going to Long Beach State full time.  I work about 20 to 25 hours a week so I do not get any dental or medical.  Because of that I am able to be on my parents major medical but they do not have dental insurance.   What would be a good low cost dental plan for a student?

Posted on Mar. 31st 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Full time student looking for dental insurance in California

Dental discount networks, getting the best dental plan in Texas

Posted on Mar. 29th 2011 by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental discount networks, getting the best dental plan in Texas

Dental discount networks, getting the best dental plan in Texas: How do dental discount plans really work?  Are the dentist in the plan network really good dentist?  Do they honor the discounted prices the plan states?  I have heard both really good things about dental discount network plans and some really bad things as well.

In the end I just want a dental plan that will work for me where I can find a good dentist and not one out just to make a buck and kick you out so he can get to the next person in the waiting room so to say.  I have those dentist and it never work well for me.

Posted on Mar. 29th 2011 | by Dental Plan Reviews | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental discount networks, getting the best dental plan in Texas

Dental discount cards reviews in Florida

Posted on Mar. 28th 2011 by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental discount cards reviews in Florida

Dental discount cards reviews in Florida.  I live in Tampa Florida and I been reviewing the different dental discount cards plans you offer.  I would like to know since they do seem a lot alike which is the best plan to get and why?  Looking for a good dental plan I can start to use right away that offers real dental savings.

Posted on Mar. 28th 2011 | by Dental Plan Reviews | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental discount cards reviews in Florida

Should I get a dental discount plan?

Posted on Mar. 27th 2011 by Dental Plan Review in Dental Plans Comments Off on Should I get a dental discount plan?

Should I get a dental discount plan? I live in New York and the my problem is right now I do not have dental insurance or benefits though a job. I living on my own just skating by each month. I worry that I am starting to have some teeth issues that should be address.

I do not have much money and I am finding dental insurance to costly is a dental discount plan the only option when you do not have much money? are they worth getting? Do not know much about them but they do seem affordable.

Posted on Mar. 27th 2011 | by Dental Plan Review | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Should I get a dental discount plan?

Dental discount cards in Maine

Posted on Mar. 26th 2011 by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Plans Comments Off on Dental discount cards in Maine

Dental discount cards in Maine. I live in Maine and I am hoping you can tell me more on just how a dental discount card works. I do not get dental benefits though my job but I did talk to this person at work that says he has a dental discount card that saves him money off all his dental services and it helped him out alot.

I do not know anything about dental discount cards can you tell me if you have any available in Maine and how I can get one? Thanks

Posted on Mar. 26th 2011 | by Dental Plan Reviews | in Dental Plans | Comments Off on Dental discount cards in Maine


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