Today I had to go into the dentist for my general dental appointment. The dental assistant was being a rude jerk. She was telling me very rudely that I need to brush and floss my teeth better. I do brush and floss but flossing is a little hard since I also wear braces.
Then the dental assistant started flossing my teeth for me, shoving the floss into my gums. At the time they were really bleeding and she all like that because you do not floss…
Now my gums really hurt four hours latter. How can I sooth my sore gums? I told my mom but she just says maybe I should floss better then in the future. I am so upset.
Please help I was eating popcorn and I got this little hard piece pop corn stuck in between my gum and tooth. I flossed really good and I thought I got it all out. However now my gums in that area is really hurting me. What can I do to make sure I got it all out? How can I stop the gum pain? Will the pain just go away or should I see a dentist?
My gums have been red and slightly swollen for over two months now. I be using Listerine with gum care and that seemed to be helping me. My gums still hurt but not all the time mostly when I brush or eat. Since I do not have a dentist and no dental insurance using mouthwash is really the only affordable thing for me to do.
About a week ago I have notice that my breath is not so fresh like it use to be either. One of my friend said my breath stunk. I do not know why that would be since I am always using mouthwash. Do you think it has anything to do with my gums? If so should I see a dentist? If I have to see a dentist where can I find a really cheap one to look at my teeth?
My gums really hurt and I do not have dental Insurance
So about two weeks ago I got a soft toothbrush and toothpaste with whiting. Now my gums are really sore and they are bleeding. I did not worry so much at first since I started wearing my retainer again that I had a while back. I figured since it had been a while since I wore my retainer last that may be way my gums hurt now.
However, it is two weeks latter and my gums still hurt. I do not have dental insurance so going to the dentist is out right now. I am not sure what to do to stop my gum pain.