Im thinking in ordering Dazzle Smile. Do you think this product works and if its for free including shipping?
When thinking about buying a product online make sure you read the terms and conditions very well. I am not saying that their product will work or not but you are asking if it is free. I took a monet to copy their terms and conditions, please read.
When you place your order today with DazzleSmile, you will automatically become a part of our elite customer club. Your active credit card will only be billed $4.95 for the shipping of your 14-day day trial. If you choose to keep your trial, your active credit card will be billed the low member price of only $79.95 for your trial, and each additional month you continue to use DazzleSmile. (Shipped as a fresh, 3 month supply every 90 days.) And remember, there’s no obligation – you can cancel your membership at any time by calling 888-948-5508. Additionally, for your fourteen-day and twenty-eight day trials to World Club Fitness and Weight Loss Resources you will be charged $6.95 and $8.95 a month thereafter (shows as “VH ACCESS” and “HEALTHMEMBER”) should you choose not to cancel. Charges for bonuses are non-refundable, but subscription can be canceled and future charges stopped at any time by calling toll-free 866-407-3685 for World Club Fitness and 866-417-6059 for Weight Loss Resources. Orders outside of US pay an additional $9.95 for shipping. No obligation, CANCEL ANYTIME!
It seems like a lot of money if you do not remember to cancel before the 14 days. I also did a search to see if any one had problems. The main one I saw was that they did not get the refunds back and where still charged at the higher rate.
Look into this yourself and see how you feel. This may be a very good product. You may want to after reviewing this additional information look into having your teeth whiten by a local dentist.
Either way good luck to you