Dental Opinions, Having your Wisdom teeth pulled in order to get braces
Question: I am 19 and need to get braces. I never had my wisdom teeth pulled and the Orthodontist is telling me I need to pull my wisdom teeth before they will provide orthodontic treatment. I do not understand the reason for this. The cost of having the wisdom teeth pull, would use up all the money I put aside to get braces in the first place.
Answer: If your orthodontist is advising you to get your wisdom teeth pulled, maybe it is because they are currently doing damage to your other teeth (making them crooked) or they will do damage to your teeth.
If you are not 100% clear on why your orthodontist is saying to have them pulled. Then asked them. You do not want to pay the cost of having braces only for your wisdom teeth to mess up all the work that was done. Cost for both having teeth pull and for adult braces can be cut by having a dental plan in place. Look into getting either dental insurance or a dental discount plan to help you with the cost of all your dental health needs.