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Does impacted wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

Posted on Friday, Mar. 8th 2024 1:29 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Does impacted wisdom tooth extraction hurt?

Dental Opinions – Does Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction Hurt? 

Question: I need to have an impacted wisdom tooth removed and worry that it will hurt.  

Reply: Once you get past the injections, you are generally accessible at home free. The dentist will numb the nerves and tissue of the impacted tooth before extraction. One item to note is an impacted tooth sometimes requires the dentist to make deep injections, so consider a mild over-the-counter pain relief medication in advance. In addition, make sure the topic ointment used to numb the gum tissue initially sits on the gums for a minute or two.

Finally, and most importantly, please express any reservations about the procedure to the dentist. You are paying for their service, and they should be willing to sit with you for a few minutes exp, explain the extraction process, and resolve any concerns you may have regarding the pain involved.

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Dental Opinions – Terrible Teeth Need Dental Help 

Posted on Wednesday, Mar. 6th 2024 1:17 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Terrible Teeth Need Dental Help 

Question: I am eighteen, and my teeth are in terrible shape. I always had bad teeth. Even my baby teeth were cavity-ridden. Now, with my adult teeth, I have already had seven cavities. My mom was paying for my dental work out of her pocket since we never had any dental insurance, but she told me today that she would no longer be paying my dental bills and that I better start taking care of my teeth. The thing is, I brush three times a day most days. It is not like I do not try to take care of my teeth. They are just weak or something. My teeth are now okay since I saw the dentist three months ago. But what if I keep getting cavities like I have in the past? How am I going to pay my dental bills? 

Answer: Since you are 18, you can get your dental insurance plan to make dental work affordable. You do not have to do what your mom did and pay out of pocket for your dental services when so many affordable dental insurance plans are available. Consider looking at dental HMO insurance plans as a starting point. You can contact our member service line at 310-534-3444, where our team of experts will help you understand each plan’s different options and benefits. They will guide you in selecting the best plan to provide your family with the necessary coverage at a price that fits your budget.

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Dental Opinion – Looking for Dental Insurance  

Posted on Monday, Mar. 4th 2024 12:58 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinion – Looking for Dental Insurance  

Question: I need dental insurance for myself and my 10-year-old son. I used to have dental insurance through work and never had to get it alone. When getting a dental insurance quote, would I be looking at the family rates? Since it is for my son and me, can I get the couple prices since there are only the two of us? Does a couple mean that you need to be husband and wife? 

Answer: Regarding dental insurance, the pricing structure can vary depending on the number of people covered under the plan. Generally, dental insurance and dental plans refer to couples as two people and families as three or more. However, some plans may offer a different pricing structure depending on the number of people covered. So, reading the plan summary, exclusions, and limitations is always a good idea or calling the customer service line to check.

Since you are looking for dental insurance for yourself and your 10-year-old son, you may be able to get a couple’s pricing since there are only two of you. A couple usually refers to a husband and wife, but it can also include an adult with a dependent child. However, checking the specific plan to ensure it meets your needs is important.

When reviewing dental insurance plans, paying attention to the coverage offered, deductibles, annual maximums, and any exclusions or limitations is important. You’ll want to make sure the plan meets your needs and budget while providing the coverage you need for routine and preventative dental care and any necessary procedures.

If you have any questions or concerns about dental insurance, don’t hesitate to contact the customer service team for the plan you are considering. They can provide more information and help you decide on the best dental insurance plan for you and your family.

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Dental Opinions – How much for fake teeth?

Posted on Friday, Mar. 1st 2024 12:44 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions – How much for fake teeth?

Question: How much for fake teeth?

Reply: If you’re asking about the cost of artificial teeth, it would depend on the type of restoration you need. For example, a dental bridge typically costs between $500 and $1,200 per tooth, a dental implant can range from $1,500 to $6,000 per tooth, and a partial denture can cost anywhere from $300 to $5,000. However, these options are usually considered when no other option is left, and the primary goal of any dental procedure is to preserve natural teeth. If you’re experiencing any dental issues, it’s always a good idea to seek professional advice from a dentist as soon as possible.

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Dental Opinions: Why Do I Need to Wear a Retainer?

Posted on Wednesday, Feb. 28th 2024 9:57 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions: Why Do I Need to Wear a Retainer?

There are different reasons why you need a retainer. The most common cause is to help your teeth stay set in their new positions after wearing braces. It’s essential to wear your retainer because as your body grows, your teeth do some shifting. The retainer helps to control this shifting, which occurs naturally.

After removing your braces, your orthodontist (a special dentist who helps straighten teeth and correct jaw problems) will fit you for a retainer. They will tell you how long to wear it and when. For example, you might have to wear it all day for three months but only at night afterward. Some kids may wear their retainer only at night from the start, but they may have to wear it for over a year. The retainer keeps the teeth in line, and you won’t notice it while sleeping!

Other kids may wear retainers to close a space between their teeth or move one tooth. Braces aren’t needed in these cases because retainers can do the job. Often, retainers will be worn for several years to close a space, for example, and then keep the gap closed by holding the teeth in place. When you wear a retainer for any reason, certain teeth may feel pressure and even sore for the first few days. If you experience this, don’t worry — it’s completely normal.

Retainers can help many mouth problems besides shifting teeth. Sometimes, they’re used to help with a medical problem. For example, you may have a tongue thrust (a condition where your tongue sneaks through your teeth when you talk).

Some retainers, known as crib or tongue cage retainers, are designed with small metal bars that hang down from the roof of your mouth. When you speak, these retainers keep your tongue from going forward in between your teeth. Your tongue is trained to go to the roof of your mouth instead of through your teeth. The length of time kids wear a tongue cage varies depending on the kid.

Another use for retainers is to help people with temporomandibular disorder (TMD). This disorder is usually a result of a bite problem (the teeth don’t meet together properly when the jaws are closed) called malocclusion (say: mal-uh-kloo-zhun) or bruxism (say: bruk-sih-zum), which is grinding your teeth while you sleep. Grinding stretches the muscles and joints in your mouth and jaws and sometimes can cause jaw pain or headaches. Retainers can help you by preventing your mouth from closing completely at night, which keeps you from grinding your teeth.

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Dental Opinions: What’s a Retainer?

Posted on Monday, Feb. 26th 2024 9:14 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions: What’s a Retainer?

A retainer is a crucial dental appliance that helps maintain the teeth’ structure and alignment. After a kid has completed their orthodontic treatment, the dentist will remove the braces and fit the child with a retainer. The retainer is designed to hold the teeth in their new position, allowing the gums and bones to adapt to the new alignment.

Retainers are made of plastic and metal, and each retainer is custom-made to fit the unique structure of the patient’s teeth and mouth. Even though retainers may look similar, no two retainers are alike. Your dentist will advise you on how long you need to wear your retainer and how often you should wear it.

Retainers are not only used after braces treatment. They also close gaps between teeth, help with speech problems, and solve specific medical issues such as sleep apnea. Retainers come in different types, such as clear retainers, removable retainers, and fixed retainers.

It is essential to properly care for your retainer to ensure its longevity and effectiveness. It would help to clean your retainer daily using a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild soap or toothpaste. Avoid using hot water to clean your retainer, as it can cause it to warp or lose its shape.

In conclusion, retainers play a crucial role in maintaining the structure and alignment of your teeth. If you or your child needs a retainer, consult your dentist to determine the best type for your needs.

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Need Low-cost Dental Insurance – Dental Opinions

Posted on Saturday, Feb. 24th 2024 8:16 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help Comments Off on Need Low-cost Dental Insurance – Dental Opinions

Question: I am looking for a low-cost dental insurance plan. I want to have the routine cleaning twice a year with X-rays. Since I only need preventive dental care, I do not want to spend $30-$50 monthly for dental insurance to get two free cleanings yearly. Is there any dental insurance with a low monthly rate for people who will only be using it twice a year? 

Answer: You may want to look into a dental HMO insurance plan. Generally, HMO dental insurance plans offer a low monthly cost ranging from $8.00 to $25.00 monthly. HMO dental insurance plans are good overall dental plans, and many provide free office visits, X-rays, and dental cleanings. Make sure you read the policy terms to confirm plan coverages.

You can contact our member service line at 310-534-3444, where our team of experts will help you understand each plan’s different options and benefits. They will guide you in selecting the best plan to provide your family with the necessary coverage at a price that fits your budget.

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What is Dental Erosion – Dental Opinions 

Posted on Thursday, Feb. 22nd 2024 3:39 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on What is Dental Erosion – Dental Opinions 

Dental Erosion: The enamel (the hard, protective coating of the tooth) is worn away by exposure to acid; when that happens, it leaves the sensitive dentine area of the tooth exposed. Dental erosion of the enamel can result in pain, particularly when consuming hot or cold food. The enamel on the tooth becomes softer and loses mineral content when we eat or drink anything acidic. However, this acidity is canceled out by saliva, which slowly restores the natural balance within the mouth. But if the mouth is not given enough time to repair itself (because these acid attacks are happening too often), the surface of the teeth is worn away.

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Dental Opinions – Soda and fruit juice are ‘biggest culprits in dental erosion’

Posted on Tuesday, Feb. 20th 2024 3:12 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Soda and fruit juice are ‘biggest culprits in dental erosion’

Soft drinks are the most significant factor in the severity of dental erosion, according to a new study published in the Journal of Public Health Dentistry. Anything with a pH value (acidity) lower than 5.5 can damage the teeth. Diet and regular sodas, carbonated drinks, flavored fizzy waters, sports drinks, fruit, and fruit juices are all known to be harmful to teeth if consumed too often. If you drink these types of drinks, limit their contact with your teeth by drinking through a straw. Also, consider substituting that type of drink with water whenever possible. Water is good because it causes no damage to your teeth and is also great for your body.

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Dental Opinions – Get Dental Insurance That Lets You Keep Your Dentist.

Posted on Friday, Feb. 16th 2024 1:58 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Get Dental Insurance That Lets You Keep Your Dentist.

Once you find a dentist and dental office you like and trust, it can be challenging to change providers just because you want dental insurance to help control your dental care cost.

However, you do not have to change your dentist and have dental insurance. Many good dental insurance plans let you choose and stay with your current dentist. These plans are called Indemnity plans. That is because Indemnity dental insurance plans do not have providers that let you choose the dentist you want. One thing to remember is that Indemnity dental insurance plans are like PPO’s dental plans. They usually come with waiting periods. So, buying these types of dental insurance plans is best before you have a toothache.

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Dental Opinions: What you need to know about HMO and Dental Claims. 

Posted on Wednesday, Feb. 14th 2024 12:53 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions: What you need to know about HMO and Dental Claims. 

If you have an HMO: One significant benefit of an HMO dental insurance plan is that there are no claims to file. The cost of dental procedures is usually fee-based. The dentist will charge based on the fees laid out under the HMO plan. Therefore, you know the price of the services before having them done.  

However, service costs may differ from what you think the charge should be. Take a crown as an example. There are many different types of crowns; therefore, knowing what kind of crown you will have is essential in understanding your cost and if your HMO plan covers it. That is where ADA codes come in. There is a different ADA code for each dental service, so even though there are many crowns, the ADA code is different for each crown type. 

When questioning the cost of services, ask your dentist for all the ADA codes that will be provided so you can match them to the insurance company fee schedule. If the dentist charges the highest crown cost or a crown not covered by your plan, you may want to question why. It is up to you to know your benefits and ask questions if things do not match up how you expect them to. 

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Dental Opinions: What you need to know about PPO and filing Dental Claims. 

Posted on Monday, Feb. 12th 2024 10:05 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Claims, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions: What you need to know about PPO and filing Dental Claims. 

If you have a dental PPO or Indemnity Plan: These are types of dental insurance plans where you can go outside the network or choose your dentist. Going to any dentist significantly benefits people, which is why these types of plans are favored.  

However, more work is placed on you (the insured) when it comes to filing claims. Even though the dental office may call the insurance company regarding coverage, it is up to you to ensure you are covered and for how much. You can submit a quote to the claims department before the work starts or call. 

Many PPOs or Indemnity Plans pay based on % up to ACV/UCR, so even though you may have coverage, you can get hit by a hefty bill if your dentist is above the ACV/UCR. (I advise submitting claims as quotes before proceeding with the dental services. Some PPOs will require submitting a quote for any dental service over $300.00, which helps you know your service cost. Remember that even the dental insurance company will say what they provide is an estimate, and the price can vary depending on when and what is submitted to them.

What is ACV/UCR Fees?

ACV stands for Actual Cash Value, and UCR stands for Usual, Customary, and Reasonable fees. In dental insurance, ACV/UCR is the maximum amount of money that the insurance company will cover for a specific dental procedure. The insurance company determines the ACV/UCR based on the average cost of a particular procedure in a given geographical area. If your dentist charges more than the ACV/UCR, you will be responsible for paying the difference. 

Since you can choose your dentist regardless of area or network, you will want to know if your dentist will be within the company ACV/UCR or understand if not, you can have a higher service cost. 

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Who do I call for an overcharging dentist who lied about my insurance paying?

Posted on Saturday, Feb. 10th 2024 9:37 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help Comments Off on Who do I call for an overcharging dentist who lied about my insurance paying?

Question: I went to the dentist and had some work done. The dental office said my dental insurance policy covered the services I needed up to 50 percent, so I paid half the cost of the services rendered at the time. Yet about two weeks later, the dental office tried to charge me more money, saying that the insurance company did not pay the remaining 50 percent and I still had a balance due. 

Reply: You can still have a balance due for many reasons besides a lying dentist. However, the first place to call would be your dental insurance member services line for claims. The claims department could advise you why they did not pay out as you expected. Examples could be: 

  • You maxed out your yearly maximal limitation. 
  • You had a deductible. 
  • You went to a dental office outside the network with UCR fees. 
  • You went to a dental office in the network of providers but out of your rating area and had UCR fees.
  • You had a higher-cost dental service than what the plan covers, so they covered you at a lower cost. An example would be that the plan covers up to 50 percent of a Resin Crown with high noble metal, but if you have a Full Porcelain Crown that is more costly, the plan covers you at the cost of the Resin Crown.

 If, after speaking to the dental insurance claims department, you still feel like you were misled by the dental office regarding cost and coverage, you would then call the dental office. With that said, most dental offices will say that your cost was an estimate based on your policy, but that final cost is determined by what the company pays out. 

It’s important to note that even when submitting a claim for a quote, only to the insurance company so that you know what the company will pay on the claim before having the services. Even the company will state that it is an estimate and can be subject to change. 

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Dental Opinions – Dental Insurance

Posted on Thursday, Feb. 8th 2024 8:36 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Dental Insurance

Dental insurance coverage for children is an essential health benefit. According to studies, dental health is linked to your overall wellness. Also, studies have shown that people with dental insurance tend to visit their dentist regularly to maintain their dental health care needs. Dental care cost is a leading factor in why parents and their kids do not see a dentist as much as they should. Since that is the case, having dental insurance helps control their family dental care cost, thereby making it possible for them to see their dentist regularly.

In addition to regular visits to the dentist, dental insurance can cover major dental procedures and emergencies. This can provide peace of mind to parents, knowing that their children’s dental health needs will be taken care of without any unexpected financial burden.

It’s important to note that dental insurance policies can vary in coverage and cost, so it’s essential to research and compare different options before selecting a plan. Some plans may restrict specific treatments or providers, so reading the terms and conditions of the plan is crucial.

Dental insurance is a wise investment for families prioritizing their dental health. Dental insurance can help children and parents maintain healthy teeth and gums for a lifetime by providing access to regular check-ups, preventative care, and emergency treatment.

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Dental Opinions – Monthly rates for dental insurance: Is there dental insurance for low-income homes?

Posted on Monday, Dec. 11th 2023 11:55 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Monthly rates for dental insurance: Is there dental insurance for low-income homes?

I am 18 and still living at home. My mom works two jobs, and I work part-time while going to school to help out. However, for the most part, it is still challenging for my mom to care for three kids independently. We do not go to the dentist since she can not afford the cost. Are there low-cost options available?

Reply: You should review dental HMO insurance plans. Dental HMO plans are the lower-cost insurance plan option. With an HMO, you and your family could have preventive care such as X-rays, oral exams, and cleanings for little to no cost. More extensive dental care costs much less, making dental care more affordable for the family.

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Dental Opinions – Teething and Dental Care for Infants, Teething Symptoms.

Posted on Friday, Dec. 8th 2023 11:53 AM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help, Dental Insurance Comments Off on Dental Opinions – Teething and Dental Care for Infants, Teething Symptoms.

 First, here are some signs that your baby is teething—drooling, wakefulness, cranky more than usual, crying, biting, chewing, and tender gums. Your baby may also be fussy when feeding. Over-drooling may cause skin irritation around the mouth. Teething gums may look swollen and red. You may see little white dots or small openings where the tooth cuts. Although your baby may get loose stools while teething, look out for diarrhea and fever. Fever and diarrhea are not symptoms of teething; therefore, you should take your baby to the doctor for a check-up since it is probably unrelated to your baby’s teething. 

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Dental Opinions – California Dental teeth care, Eating after dental bonding

Posted on Wednesday, Dec. 6th 2023 11:51 AM by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Help Comments Off on Dental Opinions – California Dental teeth care, Eating after dental bonding

I just got some dental bonding on five teeth. However, I did not ask my dentist if I could eat anything. Or if I needed to wait. If so, how long do I need to wait after bonding? I need to know.

Reply: You don’t have to wait to eat or drink after your appointment. However, you may experience slight tooth sensitivity to heat and cold after teeth bonding for a few days afterward. To prevent staining, avoid or keep to a minimum coffee, tea, soy sauce, colas, grape juice, blueberries, fresh cherries, and acidic foods like citrus juices and tomato sauce. You can call your dentist, who did the bonding, for any aftercare instructions, which they typically give you at your appointment.

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Dental Benefits – Dental Opinions

Posted on Wednesday, Aug. 30th 2023 2:21 PM by Dental Plan Review in Dental Help Comments Off on Dental Benefits – Dental Opinions

The Benefits of Having a Family Dental Insurance Health Care Plan.

Not everyone in the US receives dental benefits through their employer. People who do not receive dental benefits tend to put off dental care for themselves and their families due to cost issues. However, even for families, low-cost dental insurance options are available and will help make going to the dentist much more affordable for your whole family. HMO insurance plans in most states run around $30-$40 a month for a family and offer free to very low-cost preventive care, such as X-rays, Checkups, and cleanings. Those services can cost up to $150 or more for just one person. You can see how a family of four paying $40.00 a month saves you over $500.00 in dental care. Also, people with dental insurance tend to see the dentist regularly for preventive care services. Doing so helps prevent more significant dental issues from starting there by also controlling the cost of dental services.

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Cosmetic Dentistry – Dental Opinions.

Posted on Monday, Aug. 28th 2023 1:54 PM by Dental Plan Reviews in Dental Help Comments Off on Cosmetic Dentistry – Dental Opinions.

Protect your Cosmetic Dentistry Work. 

After paying the cost of cosmetic dental care, the last thing you would want to do is damage your teeth. After going through cosmetic dentistry treatment such as dental implants, cosmetic veneers, or crowns, you need to protect your teeth from hazards. If you do not take proper care of your teeth, restorative dental work can chip, break or go through discolorations. Porcelain can break. Avoid chewing on popcorn or hard candies. Do not use a water pick directly on your porcelain veneers. Wear your night guard if you have any problems with grinding your teeth while sleeping. 

Cavities can still develop around dental work: Be active with your daily dental care habits. You still need to brush and floss your teeth regularly if you want to avoid problems such as tooth decay or gum disease. Also, follow your Cosmetic dentist’s instructions on taking care of your teeth if you want your cosmetic dental work lasts for as long as possible. Most cosmetic dentists will only re-do cosmetic dentistry work for free if it is determined that there was a problem with the lab work or because the crown did not fit correctly from the beginning.

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Dental Opinions on Dental Cleanings

Posted on Saturday, Aug. 26th 2023 1:32 PM by Dental Plan Reviews in cleaning, Dental Help Comments Off on Dental Opinions on Dental Cleanings

Routine Cleanings Vs. Deep Cleanings. 

What is the difference between routine Cleaning (Prophylaxis) and Deep Cleaning?

Routine/Prophylaxis Cleaning: Focuses on preventive dental care and maintaining healthy teeth and gums by removing calculus, plaque, and common stains. Normally performed twice a year by a dental hygienist or dentist along with your dental check-up. 

Deep Cleaning: is a procedure designed to help avoid periodontal disease (gum disease). A buildup of calculus and plaque on the crowns and root surfaces of teeth causes periodontal disease. It can begin as localized gingival inflammation and progress to severe disease that significantly damages the soft tissue and the bone that supports the teeth. If left untreated, this disease progresses to the ultimate loss of teeth.

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